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6:30pm lounge opens for all VIP Diamond and Platinum. Complimentary smoke teas will be available at the bar. VIP Guest will have priority at the bar. VIP ticket holders will also be able to access their seating. Diamond VIP will start taking their pictures

6:45PM lounge will open for General admission. Complimentary smoke teas will be available at the bar.

7pm Show Starts

10pm Event Ends

This will be a night to remember

We all know Herbalife is so much more than just shakes and teas. We are changing peoples lives. Well if that's the case we decided it's time to show the World!

   This will be an event like no other. The Orlando STS for the first time presents the first official Honors Gala. This is a chance to come together and celebrate each and every individual. From the distributor who's been in the business for 5 years to the first time guest that will be viewing Herbalife for the first time. 

   This is an awards and celebration night. We will have a live band, Dj, entertainment and so much more. So where do you go from here. 

  •    First step is to purchase your Gala ticket. Your seating will be determined on which ever ticket you choose. Diamond VIP is already SOLD out.

  • Next, you will see a list of categories that we will be giving awards out in. Browse over the categories and see which ones fit you and submit your info. EVERYONE that submits their info will get recognized. 

   On behalf of the Central Florida STS Production Team we thank you for your commitment to your community. We look forward to seeing you April 9th at the Gala!


Let's get this party started! Below is a list of the 6 categories we will be recognizing. Once you pick the categories you'll be entering click on the submit info button. This will take you directly to a Telegram chat where you will submit your info for that specific category. The coolest part is you can enter more than one category!

  • The deadline to submit entries is April 6th. 

  • Customers, Preferred Members, and Distributors can enter to win

- Best Transformation Award-

This award is for anyone that has a before and after. It has nothing to do with how much weight you've lost. We just want to see who has that "Wow" before and after pic. Everyone that enters will get recognized. The Top 4 will be voted on live by the audience at the Gala!

A trophy will go to the 1st place winner  SUBMIT INFO


- Community Impact Award-  

This award is for anyone who has built a community. Whether it's a fit camp,Nutrition club, satellite club, 21 day challenge doesn't matter. This is your way of impacting peoples lives and we want to hear about it. Submit a creative video telling us why you and your community should win this award. VIDEOS MUST BE NO LONGER THAN 1 MINUTE. Everyone that enters will get recognized. The Top 4 will have their videos played at the event and will be voted on live by the audience at the Gala!


A trophy will go to the 1st place winner SUBMIT INFO

- Heart of Gold Award- 

This award is for that person who is always helping out. When ever something needs done they are the first ones to volunteer. It could be someone at your nutrition club that always jumps behind the bar. That person who helps weigh clients in at your weight loss challenge. You will nominate and submit a video explaining why this person should win the award. VIDEOS MUST BE NO LONGER THAN 1 MINUTE.

The Top 4 videos will be played at the Gala and will be voted on live by the audience at the Gala!


A trophy will go to the 1st place winner  SUBMIT INFO

- You did your Thang” Award- This award is for anyone that has lost 100 or more pounds. You will submit your before and after pics. Top 4 will be narrowed down prior to the event. They will have a professional video shot of them sharing their story. Those videos will be played at the event and will be voted by the audience. 



A trophy will go to the 1st place winner  SUBMIT INFO

- “Lifetime Customer Awards”- This category will be broken up into multiple categories. This is based on how long you've been on these amazing Herbalife products. To enter you'll simply click below to submit your info. From there all you have to do is write your full name and length of time on products. 

Example:  Sara Jones- 2 years

                 Mike Thomas- 1 week

  • New Customer-6 months

  • 7 months-1 year

  • 1-4 years

  • 5 years or more


Awards will vary for the categoryASUBMIT INFO

- “Lifetime Achievement Awards”  This awards will be for anyone that has recieved their lifetime achievement award from Herbalif. To submit your info simply click the link below and enter your name and what award you recieved.

Example: Tom Jone- 1 Million

                Sara Smith- 3 Million







-an 5 years)

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